Caravan Hire - Heating system
Most of our caravan hire models use the same Truma Combi heating and water heating system, usually controlled by the Truma CP user panel.
The Truma Combi system is a modern, efficient heating system which heats both the caravan via blown hot air and the water for your taps and shower. It is easily controllable and the heating offers thermostatic control for comfort throughtout the day as well as providing a tank of hot water ready for use as you need it.
Thermostatic control means you only need to set the temperature you want the caravan to be and it does the work for you. The tank of hot water heats from cold to 60 degrees in around 20 minutes and can be left running all day so you have hot water whenever you need it.
Virtually silent in operation the heating system helps all our hire caravans meet the Grade 3 Thermal Insulation standard. This is technical standard but basically it ensures that at -15C outside, the caravan can maintain a +20C temperature inside, keeping you warm and comfortable.
For more details of the Truma Combi heating see the videos below:
Truma Combi:
Operation of the CP Plus control panel:
Alde Heating & Hot Water
We do have some caravan hire models which use an alternative system, the Alde boiler system. This is similar to the Truma system in that it is thermostatic and still is a combi-boiler system, but has radiators in the caravan rather than blown air heat distribution. The video below helps explain some of the features: